Imran Khan Says Ready For Corruption Trial Of Ministers

Prime Minister Imran Khan promised stern action against his ministers if anyone was found involved in corruption and said that he would set up a special court to hear their cases on a daily basis. Will refer toIn an interview with a private news channel, Imran described himself as “the prime minister of the common man” and insisted that all other questions about his government would be irrelevant and that only one question would be asked five years later. Has it improved their lives? the people.

In this extensive interview, the Prime Minister touched on a number of topics, including the anti-corruption campaign, government reshuffle, the economic situation, civil-military relations, and the platform of the opposition anti-government Tehreek-e-Pakistan Democratic Movement. Imran said corrupt holders of public office should be punished more severely than ordinary citizens, as they were guilty of abuse of power. When the head of a government was corrupt, it had a negative effect which also made the subordinates corrupt.

PM assured that if any of his ministers were found to be involved in corruption. “I will take action. This has been my view for 24 years. Corruption by an SHO [police station chief] or a patwari [revenue officer] only affects the people, but it destroys the country through the prime minister or ministers, he said. The Prime Minister declared that the government would approach the Chief Justice of Pakistan for setting up a special court to hear cases of corruption of ministers on a daily basis, and decide their fate in the shortest possible time.

Criticizing Nawaz Sharif, he said that the former prime minister was sending millions of dollars out of Pakistan while the country was in trouble. He further said that Sharif ministers including Khawaja Asif and Ishaq Dar also robbed the nation. Imran confirmed that he would not give any NRO to the opposition, citing the political amnesty granted by former military ruler Pervez Musharraf through the National Reconciliation Ordinance in 2007.

Calling himself the Prime Minister of the common man, and not from the elite, Imran reiterated his government’s commitment to raising the living standards of the people and improving the justice system. He hoped that the new year would bring a good time for Pakistan. “I have very good feelings. My instinct is to say that 2021 will bring a great time for Pakistan.When asked about the reshuffle in his team, Imran said the reshuffle in the federal and provincial cabinets and bureaucracy “would be irrelevant before the question of whether Imran Khan has improved people’s lives after five years.

You get a mandate for five years. I will not promise that I will not change my team. I am the captain and always change the team. I have to win the match. I have to win pakistan Asked further about his “preparations” remarks, the prime minister denied that he was “ready to run the government”. However, he suggested a six-week advance briefing to the newly elected US-style government on state affairs through the state machinery.

He said US President-elect Joe Biden is being briefed by every government department and when he takes office, his entire team will be ready to tackle the challenges facing his ministries.In the interview, the Prime Minister admitted that the last two years of his tenure were difficult but highlighted that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government had taken several steps to improve the economic situation.

I was well aware of the country’s crises. I have said in my previous interviews that there was no easy solution to the country’s problems. In 60 years, the country was in debt of Rs 6,000 billion, but in the last 10 years of previous governments, this debt has reached Rs 30,000 billion.”When I came to power, I found out that PIA [Pakistan International Airlines] was in debt of Rs 4.5 billion” and Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) was the reason for its debt of Rs 3.5 billion. Was closed, while its employees filed cases. As a result, investors did not show interest in investing.

He said that in the first two years, the government repaid 20 billion loan in debt, half of which was repaid, leaving a small amount for the welfare of the people. He added that due to the pro-business policies of the government, the surplus current account, rising exports, better stock market and the textile industry are running at full capacity.

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