Zong holds its Annual Business Conference 2021 digitally

ISLAMABAD – Zong 4G, the nation’s leading connectivity provider, digitally held the Annual Business Conference for the first time since its inception. This innovative approach has been adopted to ensure employee safety in line with the company’s and country’s COVID-19 SOPs as it storms the second wave of the Pakistani pandemic.

The 2021 Annual Business Conference was themed “Leaders in Digital Innovation” and aimed to commemorate Zong’s achievements in 2020 and set the strategic direction for 2021. Zong 4G management and employees attended the event. More than 250 Zong employees attended the conference remotely from the security of their home. “At this time of an unprecedented epidemic, we emerged as the referral provider for millions of Pakistanis.

With special data packages and offers, including for international roaming, Pakistanis will be able to continue their work, business and transactions remotely and safely. We have delivered good communication solutions. ”Wang Hua, president and CEO of Zong 4G, continues with the same step, and we will ensure that our customers are empowered by the fastest data, innovative services and solutions, seamless connectivity and enhanced experience in 2021. 4G will expand our footprint. We will conduct further 5G trials in preparation and expand the network across the length and breadth of the country. We will further consolidate our position as Pakistan’s leading telecommunications company and work towards the Pakistan Government’s Digital Pakistan agenda. “

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