Public Health Engineering Department KPK ETEA Roll No Slip

Download online Public Health Engineering Department KPK ETEA Roll No Slip from here. Check test date from here. PHED is mandated to provide potable water and sanitation facilities to the rural population and planning and construction of mega water supply and, severage and dranage scheme in urban areas. Public Health Engineering Department was Established in 1974.

If you are looking for roll number slip of Public Health Engineering Department vacancies via etea Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency. Then you are at right page. Here roll no slip is available after it is announce by etea authorities. Total number of posts are 59.

Public Health Engineering Department KPK ETEA Roll No Slip

Department NamePublic Health Engineering Department KP
Total Posts59
Job Title
Junior Clerk
Computer Operator
Sub Engineer
Download Roll No Slip
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Eligible Candidates List / Test Date
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How to Download PHED Posts 2022 Test Roll Number Slips ?

  • Roll number slips of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Health Engineering Department PHED department can also be download by entering identity card number.
  • After entering the id card number and other details. Candidates can view the roll number slips and also details about the test center.
  • After your roll no slip is displayed. You can download as well as take the print. Press ctrl+p to take print.
  • If you are not able to find your roll number slip. Then you are advise to check your name in rejected candidate list. May be due to some reasons you are not eligible for test.

آپ کو رول نمبر سلپ ڈاون لوڈ کرنے میں مشکل پیش آ رہی تو کیمنٹ میں پتا دیں آپ کو لنگ ای میل کر دیا جائے گا آپنی پوسٹ کا نام بھی لکھ دیں

Public Health Engineering Department KPK ETEA Roll No Slip

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