PM launches mobile schools to promote child literacy

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif called kids the “future architects of the nation,” promising to give them every educational opportunity possible.

Speaking about the rollout of mobile classrooms as part of the project “School on wheels,” he claimed that this will help boost the literacy rate across the country, especially in rural areas.

In the first stage, eight mobile schools will provide elementary education to children in Islamabad and the surrounding areas. The buses feature fully functional classroom facilities, complete with laptops, desks, whiteboards, and LCD displays.

The Prime Minister has promised more buses and the rollout of the programme throughout the country, including Azad Kashmir. He hoped that the project would help bridge the gap between urban and rural youngsters who were being held back by a lack of resources.

Children’s interest in reading would increase, he added, thanks to the mobile library. According to the prime minister, a well-educated populace is essential to the progress and civilization of any given nation. He engaged the students and inspired them to take an active role in their education.

The planting of a sapling by the prime minister earlier signalled the beginning of a nationwide spring plantation push. He pleaded with the people and the civil society to join the plantation effort in order to protect future generations. He warned that urban areas were turning into jungles unless drastic measures were taken, such as the widespread planting of trees.

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