25% Budget Increase for BISP 2023-2024

25% Budget Increase for BISP 2023-2024

The Pakistani government just recently presented the yearly budget for 2023–2024. In this budget year 2023–2024, certain actions have been taken to improve Pakistan. in order to help Pakistan recover from its current economic crisis and enhance its economic situation. To end poverty in Pakistan, this budget’s primary goal is to be presented.

To help the unemployed find work, To increase IT technology use, To boost agricultural output in Pakistan by implementing innovative technology in the industry, To improve Pakistan’s defence industry, Efforts have been made in this budget to enhance health, including lowering drug tariffs and funding care for the underprivileged. Better SME-related measures have been implemented in Budget FY 2030–24 to facilitate our ability to operate small companies.

To improve Pakistan’s exports, good initiatives have also been taken to develop the industrial sector. Government workers now make more money, and retired employees now receive more in pension benefits. Numerous actions have been done in this budget to advance education. Additionally, the sum provided to the underprivileged and jobless under the BISP programme has been increased to 400 billion.

Budget- BISP scheme

The Government of Pakistan’s primary initiative to fight poverty in the country is the Benazir Income Support Programme. Many programmes are currently ongoing in Pakistan under the BISP 8171 Programme. Which aims to eradicate unemployment and decrease poverty in Pakistan. The Benazir Income Support Program’s budget amount has been enhanced in the yearly budget for 2023–2024 in order to further grow it.

so that this programme may serve an increasing number of Pakistan’s impoverished. The budget for this year, 2023-2024, contains a 40 billion dollar increase over the budget for the previous year, 2022-23, which is a major boost in funding for the BISP programme. What is the finest action the current administration has taken for Pakistan’s poor?

BISP Ehsaas 8171 Program – Budget 2023-24

The Pakistani government’s primary programme to combat poverty and its issues is the Benazir Income Support 8171 Programme. Every year, a considerable sum of money is set aside for this programme in Pakistan’s budget. The poverty rate in Pakistan has dramatically decreased because of the BISP online programme.

The Benazir Income Support Programme received 360 billion rupees last year from the budget for 2022–2023. The Benazir Income Support Programme 8171 has had its funding enhanced by 40 billion rupees and has received 400 billion rupees in the budget for 2023–2024 that the current government of Pakistan has presented. The Pakistani government has suggested raising the Benazir Income Support Program’s funding by Rs. 450 billion during the upcoming fiscal year.

BISP – Old Budget 2022-23

The Benazir Income Support Program’s budget allotment for 2022–2023 was significantly raised. The Benazir Income Support Programme was given 250 billion rupees in the budget for 2021–2022; however, in the budget for 2022–2023, this amount was raised to 264 billion rupees.

  • In addition, the Utility Store Corporation has set aside 12 billion rupees to subsidise the purchase of household rations for the underprivileged.
  • An additional 5 billion rupees were set up for Ramadan gifts.
  • 9 million families received 226 billion rupees through the Benazir Kafalat Cash Programme as part of the BISP8171 initiative.
  • Under the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Programme, aid of Rs. 35 billion was given to about 1 crore children.
  • The Benazir Nishunma programme distributed 21.5 billion rupees to each district.
    In addition, 6 billion rupees have been saved in the Pakistan Baitul-Mal for the help and treatment of eligible people so that the needy might receive free medical care.

Budget for BISP Schemes:

According to the Benazir Income Support Programme, numerous facilities are being offered to the underprivileged in Pakistan. The key programmes now running under the BISP programme are listed below.

Under the Benazir Kafalat programme, 9300000 Pakistani families will receive Benazir Kafalat cash in the fiscal year 2023–2024 at a rate of 8750 rupees every quarter. Therefore, the BISP 8171 program’s qualified participants will be able to get 8750 rupees every three months. 346 billion rupees have been set aside for the Benazir programme in the budget year 2023–24.

Additionally, the administration has stated that this sum may rise further in the future. By texting your ID card number to 8171 SMS, you can enrol in the Benazir Kafalat programme right away if you haven’t already. If you qualify for this programme, BISP will begin paying you this sum every three months. By SMSing your CNIC number to 8171, you can also determine your eligibility for the BISP check Online programme.

  1. BISP kafalat program:

83 lakh children will receive education scholarships through the Benazir Education Scholarship Programme, up from the previous 6 million recipients. Of which a 52% quota has been set aside for females. The budget for 2023–24 includes a sum of more than 55 billion rupees for Benazir Taleemi Wazaif.

The Benazir Taleemi Wazaif scholarships are intended to boost the spirits of deserving but underprivileged pupils. so that they might advance Pakistan’s future and themselves by not falling behind anyone else in the field of education.

  1. Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program

Undergraduate Benazir scholarships should be offered to over 92,000 university students. For which the budget for 2023–24 allotted 6 billion rupees.

All of Pakistan’s districts are currently participating in the Benazir Nashonuma Programme, which will continue.

Currently, this programme can assist over fifteen lakh Pakistani youngsters. The Benazir Nashonuma Programme has been given a budgetary allocation of 32 billion rupees in the annual budget for the years 2023-244. The BISP Nashonuma Programme offers benefits to young children and pregnant women.

How To Register in BISP Ehsaas 8171 Program-2023?

  • Through NADRA, the Pakistani government has begun a new screening and registration procedure for the Ehsaas Kafalat programme.
  • Families can now sign up for the Benazir Ehsaas 8171 Programme if they have not already done so under the Benazir Income Support Programme.
  • Registering in the survey is the first step in becoming eligible for the social and economic security programmes run by the government of Pakistan and receiving the funding provided by these programmes.
  • The household head, who may be male or female, should bring his National Identity Card to the 8171 centres in order to register at the Benazir Social and Economic Service Centre.
  • Families who haven’t yet signed up for the prosperity survey will get a message telling them to go to the 8171 centre if there’s an error with their information or if they need to update the information for their home visits.
  • Keep in mind that only 8171 can send messages. Any message sent to a number other than this number should not be trusted.
  • If someone attempts to charge you for taking the survey at the 8171 centre, you should complain at 8171.

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