Corruption: The cause of humiliation Prime Minister Imran Khan

Corruption is considered to be one of the biggest reasons why the progress of Pakistan was hindered says Prime Minister Imran Khan.He while recalling the ex leaders mentioned that they are in sheer pressure theses days, some are looking for hospitals,some for their children to be in jail and that is may be the worst thing to deal with.

The country is facing huge debt and inflation due to such people in the world and specially in Pakistan.Politicians were being provided with huge assets and facilities however they didn’t manage to get a good piece of work in ample time and they just paid attention to how to make money in the several banks of the world.

In Sihala PM was very admiringly mentioning that these people just made absolutely wrong use of money and didn’t work for the betterment of the country because they also had a support of those law enforcers and when there is no accountability then there is no fear of being caught and people tend to do whatever they desire for.

PM addressed the passing cadets that police should be actively vigilant so that once a poor or the rich should be given the same amount of smile they require or the same amount of toughness and this could actually maintain a layer of fairness in the country and when rulers are accountable for every action they take and reaction is expected either good or bad according to what they performed, only then it is feasible to have a good law abiding country.

Imran Khan is quite hopeful that this police will change its tactic towards their duties because a society is considered good since its way of behaving with poor and rich is the same. Islamabad Police should be more and more careful and according to him its their responsibility.

PM also proclaimed that the salaried people have been suffering a lot and that has been due to the increasing poverty and inflation. The country has been suffering from this economic turmoil due to the famous corrupt humanitarian and these have been increasing day by day and this has been quite imaginative that the corruption rate has been increased a lot and this has made it clear that the law abiding enforcers are either under pressure and when these law bidder are in the administration making societies they will actually reform the complete thought of rules and regulations and the country will flourish.

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