NTS General Knowledge Mcqs Part 1

Sample Papers of NTS General Knowledge are very helpful for those aspirants who are looking to pass the NTS Test for Jobs in different departments of Pakistan either these department are Government Sectors or in Private Sectors.

NTS General Knowledge Mcqs Part 1

General Knowledge MCQS are given below. Each question have four MCQS. Out of four one is correct. NTS General Knowledge Mcqs are given at the end.


  1. One-hour difference in local time between two places is equivalent to a difference of —–
    (a) 10 longitude (b) 15 longitude (c) 15 latitude (d) 20 latitude
  2. The local time at a place is 6 am when the G.M.T is 3 am the longitude of that place is —–
    (a) 45 degrees east (b) 45 degrees west (c) 120 degree east (d) 120 degrees west
  3. Upto about 50 km from the surface of earth the atmosphere consists of approximately —–
    (a) 78% oxygen and 21% nitrogen (b) 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen
    (c) 68% oxygen and 32% nitrogen (d) 33% oxygen and 66% nitrogen
  4. Name the instrument used for measuring humidity —–
    (a) Barometer (b) Thermometer (c) Hygrometer (d) Hydrometer
  5. Most of the weather phenomena take place in which of the following layers of the atmosphere?
    (a) Stratosphere (b) Mesosphere (c) Ionosphere (d) Troposphere
  6. That the earth is rotating on its axis is established by the fact that …..
    (a) The Moon and stars move in the sky
    (b) The earth experiences day and night
    (c) The planetary winds are blowing
    (d) The time in different parts of the earth is not the same
  7. Funnel shaped clouds with violent whirl winds are named as —–
    (a) Tsunami (b) Cirrus (c) Tornado (d) Stratus
  8. The tropical cyclones often follow the direction of movement from —–
    (a) South to north (b) East to west (c) West to east (d) North to South
  9. An upper wind system with very high velocities in the stratosphere is called —–
    (a) A cyclone (b) An anticyclone (c) Monsoon (d) Jet stream
  10. The amount of water vapor (grams) in a given volume of air (cubic meter) is known as —–
    (a) Specific humidity (b)Relative humidity (c) Vapour Pressure (d) Absolute humidity[su_button url=”https://ntsresults.org/nts-general-knowledge-mcqs-part-2″ style=”flat” background=”#6c0607″ color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ radius=”round” icon=”icon: hand-o-right” icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Click Here For General Knowledge MCQS Part 2[/su_button]
  11. Trade winds of the northern hemisphere below from the north-east to south-west due to —–
    (a) Coriolis force (b) Gravitational force (c) Centripetal force (d) None of these
  12. Which country is known as Thunderbolt of Asia?
    (a)Bhutan (b) Mongolia (c) China (d)None of these
  13. One of the Country through which equators passes is ?
    (a) Malaysia (b) China (c) Malta (d) Pakistan
  14. The depletion of ozone layer has been caused mainly by —–
    (a) the deforestation of large area of land
    (b) the release of chlorofluoro carbons into the atmosphere
    (c) charges in asteroid activity in the solar system
    (d) the release of industrial waste
  15. which layer of atmosphere provides ideal conditions for flying aeroplanes ?
    (a) Troposphere (b) Stratosphere (c) Ionosphere (d) Exosphere
  16. Through which of the following countries the equator does not pass?
    (a) Tanzania (b) Kenya (c) Zaire (d) Uganda
  17. A line on a map joining places of equal monthly or yearly rainfall is called —–
    (a) Isobar (b) Isohyet (c) Isotherm (d) Isoneph
  18. The earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit.  Its speed —–
    (a) Is greatest when it is farthest from the sun
    (b) Is greatest when it is closest from the sun
    (c) Remains the same at all points on the Orbit
    (d) Goes on decreasing continuously
  19. The origin of Earth dates backs to  approximately —–
    (a) 3.6 billion years
    (b) 4.6 billion years
    (c) 5.6 billion years
    (d) 6.6 billion years
  20. The term “Ecliptic” is used for the —–
    (a) Sun with eclipsed
    (b) Moon with exlipsed
    (c) Sun’s path in the sky during a year
    (d) path of earth around the sun
  21. The Sun always rises in the East because —–
    (a) It is located in East (b) The Earth rotates from East to West
    (c) The Earth rotates from West to East (d) The earth revolves around the sun from west to east
  22. A ship sailing from Vancouver to Tokyo crosses the International Date Line on Wednesday, 8th November. What will be the next date?
    (a) Sixth of November (b) Seventh of November (c) Ninth of November (d) Tenth of November
  23. Spring tide occurs when the —-
    (a) Earth, Moon and the sun are in a straight line (b) Sun, Earth and the Moon are at right angles to each other
    (c) Earth comes near the Sun (d) Earth is away from the sun
  24. Which of the following words explains a narrow strip of land separating two seas and connecting two landmarks?
    (a) Isthmus (b) Strait (c) Bay (d) Peninsula
  25. Presence of which gas in the outer most layer of the atmosphere does not allow ultraviolet rays of the sunlight to reach earth?
    (a) Helium (b) Ozone (c) Oxygen (d) Chlorine
  26. The Second largest continent (in terms of area) is —–
    (a) Asia (b) South America (c) North America (d) Africa
  27. South Pole was discovered by —–
    (a) Cabot (b) Robert Peary (c) North America (d) None of these
  28. The dates on which day and night are equal are
    (a) 21t March and 24th December
    (b) 14th January and 23rd September
    (c) 21st March and 23rd September
    (d) 14th January and 22nd June
  29. At which place on earth there is always day and night of an equal duration ?
    (a) On the tropic of Cancer (b) On the Poles (c) On the tropic of Capricorn (d) On the Equator
  30. A line on a map joining places having equal atmospheric pressure is called —–
    (a) Isotherm (b) Isobar (c) Isomeric (d) Isolate
  31. The core of the earth is —–
    (a) Of amorphous material (b) A Vacuum (c) Metallic (d) Plastic
  32. The important country close to International Date Line is —–
    (a) Malaysia (b) Mauritius (c) New Zealand (d) Surinam
  33. Which of the following towns is situated at the highest altitude?
    (a) Lhasa (b) Kathmandu (c) Gar-tole (d) Thimbu
  34. Winter rain in Kashmir is due to —–
    (a) South-West monsoon (b) Western disturbances (c) North-East monsoon (d) Local winds
  35. Which is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere?
    (a) 20th June
    (b) 21st June
    (c) 22nd December
    (d) 23rd December
  36. Equinox refers to —–
    (a) The Area near the Equator
    (b) A kind of pox affecting horses
    (c) Lines connecting points of equal altitude
    (d) Two Periods in the year when the days and nights are equal
  37. The tide at its maximum height is known as —–
    (a) Tsunami (b) Spring tide (c) Equinoxes (d) Neap tide
  38. Where is the coldest place  in the World situated?
    (a) England (b) Greenland (c) Russia (d) Antartica
  39. Which place in the World has the least rainfall?
    (a) Africa (b) Thar (c) Mountain Everest (d) Pamir
  40. The International Date Line is an imaginary line extending from pole along the places on the earth’s surface and lies along the —–
    (a) 0 meridian (b) 45 meridian (c) 90 meridian (d) 180 meridian
  41. The sped of the rotation of the earth is the highest —–
    (a) Along the Equator
    (b) Along the tropic Cancer
    (c) Along the Arctic Circle
    (d) At the North Pole
  42. ‘Flash Point’ term is related with the —–
    (a) Study of water (b) Study of Climate (c) Study of Dew drops (d) Study of rocks
  43. About 50% of the World population is concentrated between the latitudes of
    (a) 5°N and 20°N
    (b) 20°N and 40°N
    (c) 40°N and 60°N
    (d) 20°S and 40°S
  44. The time at any point on the earth’s surface calculated when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky is known as—
    (a) Local Time (b) Sidereal Time (c) Solar Time (d) Standard Time
  45. What will be the time at a place situated at 70°W when it is 4 pm at a place situated at 35° E ?
    (a) 5 pm (b) 8 pm (c) 11 am (d) 9 am
  46. When the local time is 12:00 noon and the time at Greenwich Meridian is 8:00 am the local latitude is —–
    (a) 60° east (b) 60° west (c) 45° west (d) 45° east
  47. The Captain of Pakistan Cricket team which defeated England at the Oval in 1954 was —–
    (a) Fazal Mehmood
    9b) Hanif Muhammad
    (c) Abdul Hafeez Kardar
    (d) Khan Muhammad
  48. In the Troposphere, the normal lapse rate, i-e the decrease in temperature with height is of he order of  —–
    (a) 1°C for 155 meters
    (b) 1°C for 160 meters
    (c) 1°C for 165 meters
    (d) 1°C for 170 meters
  49. Blind Dolphins are found in
    (a) Ganges River (b) Nile River (c) Yangtze River (d) None
  50. In which one of the following  positions does the Earth revolve at a faster rate around the sun?
    (a) Summer Solstice 9b) Winter Solstice (c) Autumnal Equinox (d) Vernal Equinox


1_b 2_a 3_b 4_c 5_d

6_b 7_c 8_c 9_ d 10_d

11_ a 12_a 13_a 14_b 15_a

16_a 17_b  18_ b 19_b 20_c

21_c 22_d 23_a 24_a 25_b

26_d 27_ c 28_ c 29_ d 30_ b

31_c 32_ c 33_ a 34_ b 35_ b

36_ d 37_ b 38_ d 39_ a 40_ d

41_ d_42_ b 43_ d 44_a 45_ 4

46_ a 47_ c 48_ c 49_ a 50_ d



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