Opposition Should Prove How Army Backing Me, Prime Minister

Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the European Union Lab has proved that a huge conspiracy is being hatched against Imran Khan and the Pakistani army.In an interview, the Prime Minister said that the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) is part of this conspiracy, my job is to protect my army, the opposition should prove how the army is backing me, the army is just coward, flood and locust heart. I am supporting.

He said he was wondering what the opposition wanted the army to do, calling me a puppet on the one hand and a fascist on the other, who would not give NROs if they wanted to.Imran Khan said that the 34 proposed amendments of NAB were such that each amendment was saving some opposition leader. If I had an understanding with NAB, I would not have waited for two years, I would have imprisoned everyone in six months.

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