Shehzad Roy Anxious Over No Social Distancing Crowded PIA flight

Covid 19 has been throughout a big problem around the globe and since you have to work and travel around the globe in the profession of acting industry one gets really anxious because they cant even say no to work since covid has not let economic conditions really well and working under such circumstances makes everyone more worried over contacting this virus.

Shehzad Roy a talented singer and actor was really anxious about the current situation of the  travel condition of the country where social distancing is considered a big joke. He was traveling in PK 300 from Karachi to Islamabad and notice that the flight was jam packed and people were stepping on one and other with out making any of the social distancing measure in consideration and this could make the situation for Covid-19 more and more feasible to transmit

Before this travel Roy notice that the central seats were kept empty for maintaining  the SOPs provided by the Government but this time the scenario was too risky and people were actually sitting next to one and  other without proper sanitizing and masking themselves which should be taken in a severe violation of the laws and the regulation.

Covid-19 is a transmissible disease where you need to make the most less contact with the other person or a group of people so that this virus gets more and more less contact with the other one and this has to be a strict rule especially when traveling from one place to another therefore Shehzad Roy mentioned in his tweet that is there any means of social distancing available in this country or not and being so conscious he made a statement about the negligence of the aircraft staff.

The second wave of coronavirus is being experienced in other countries including UK and Saudia Arabia and the travel ban is quite increased no goods and crowd is allowed to have any contact with even the border of the country which shows the severe condition of the country however Pakistan is also experiencing the more stronger layer than the 1st one and approximately 9950 individuals have died due this life taking virus even though the trials for the vaccinations are being in process and 462000 people only in Pakistan are suffering from it and even then if travel situations are like these then questioning on the measures of the social distancing like Shehzad Roy just asked through his tweet are quite valid to happen.

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