1st January Diesel Price in Pakistan 2024

1st January Diesel Price in Pakistan 2024 – For the following fifteen days, there’s a chance that the price of gas may drop. A media report states that a reduction of Rs 1.72 per litre is anticipated in the price of gasoline. It is anticipated that the cost of high-speed diesel will rise by one rupee per litre. On December 31, the goods’ new pricing will be disclosed. The petroleum product price cut will take effect at 12:00 P.m.. tonight.

Diesel Price in Pakistan 1st January 2024

This week, the price of petrol has dropped by five dollars per barrel globally, while the price of high-speed diesel has dropped by four dollars. The price of gasoline would likely drop by Rs. 10 per litre and the price of diesel by Rs. 12 during the next 15 days in December. It is anticipated that the cost of light diesel oil will drop by Rs 13 per litre and the price of kerosene will drop by Rs 7.

1st January Diesel Price in Pakistan

Pakistan’s Diesel Prices For Karachi On January 1, 2024

A moored ship from Russia, transporting five thousand tonnes of crude oil, is at the berth. On June 11, the first Russian ship carrying 45,000 tonnes of crude oil arrived at Karachi port.

Diesel Price in Pakistan on January 1, 2024

Kerosene had a price rise of Rs 12.90 to Rs 202.73 per litre from Rs 189.83, while light diesel oil saw an increase of Rs 9.68 to Rs 198.68 per litre from Rs 187 per litre.

پیٹرولیم مصنوعات کی قیمتیں

کمی فی لیٹرموجودہ ریٹسابقہ ریٹپیٹرولیم مصنوعات
13.50276.21296.71ہائی اسپیڈ ڈیزل

According to the dollar rate and the levy on it, the new prices for petrol, high-speed diesel, kerosene and light diesel would be Rs 281.87, Rs 295.64, Rs 217.88 and Rs 196.90 per litre, respectively.

Pakistan’s current per-litre fuel price

ProductExisting Prices
w.e.f 01-12-2023
New Prices w.e.f.
Increase / (-)
MS (Petrol)281.34267.34-14.00
High-Speed Diesel (USD)296.71276.21-13.50


Prices of Petroleum Products 1st January 2024 in Pakistan

The price of petroleum items has been declining recently due to several factors, including the decline in the price of oil on the global market and the government’s decision to reduce taxes on petroleum products. The government is committed to reducing the burden on businesses and consumers by maintaining low gasoline prices. It will monitor the global oil market and take appropriate measures to ensure that petroleum product prices remain fair.

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